I want to share with you the current rambling of my brain concerning a heroine from The Holy Scriptures..... I have been thinking a lot about Jael. For those of you who don't know her you will find her in the book of Judges chapter 4.
Basically the story reads that Deborah, a wise and annointed prophet was judging Israel. Having heard from God, she instructed Barak (son of Abinoam...... NOT Obama) to gather all his men and go and attack Jabin's army who had been oppressing them. Deborah promises a victory over Sisera who is the commander of Jabin's troops!!! Barak cowers a little but agrees to go only if the prophet herself will accompany him to the front. Deborah is clear to inform Barak at that time that if she accompanies him...the credit for the victory will be given to a woman.
Long story short...Barak embraces that arrangement....charges the enemy and is as we knew he would be...the victor! Sisera who is the dreaded commander of Jabin's armies is left to run for his life looking for a place to hide away from Israel. Sisera stumbles upon the tent of Jael's husband, Heber. Heber was known to him as a traitor to Israel and had stong ties to Jabin and his army. Sisera's lucky day!!! Jael welcomes him in and even offers nourishment as she comforts him into his perceived safety and much needed sleep. As he drifts off peacefully, Jael quietly uses a mallet and drives a tent peg through his temple killing him instantly.
I don't know what is fueling my thoughts more...that she was quiet about it, that she was courageous about it, that she was strong enough to do it??? Maybe it was her unwavering committment to what was right, or perhaps it was the confidence she had in her action, without the need of five prayer partners to share their opinions, or the permission of her husband.
Jael is demonstrating for me a clear picture of something refreshing....something unseen here in our day and time something that is missing or that we have lost along the way.
Do you know what it is? Please feel free to leave your comments......perhaps as we share together our thoughts will birth a lesson of change and growth