I did a very unusual thing yesterday.................... I purchased a lottery ticket. On a whim, without any pre-meditation I saw the sign and asked proudly for my TEXAS MEGA MILLION ticket.
That purchase began an amazing 24 hour adventure of my mind. I spent the day in a magical breeze where my mind drifted in and out of ethereal fairy like fantasies....27 MILLION dollars!
I began to think of all the debtors I would satisfy..............how I would choose special handmade thank you notes to send to the accounts that have been the most longsuffering and the most patient with our small dilligent payments.........
I pictured the house we would buy...bright and big and airy...lots of rooms and lots of extra bedrooms with big queen size beds with pretty comforters for weary travelers on Christ's journey. We would arrange for a spacious garage apartment where missionary's could spend their furlough without a care or financial responsibility. Big coffee cups, a cozy breakfast nook and a BOZE stereo piping in edifying and annointed music into every corner of our home. The kitchen resembling the "Iron Chef's" kitchen would become Bruce's playground. He would chop this...dice that...mince til his little heart sang and the kitchen would always be brimming over with warm and comforting smells. A hustle and bustle of warm productive energy serving our Lord with ministry with a roof on top.
We would both get new cars.......and we would purchase our heart's desire and not our budget! I would be getting a scion "clown car" and I am not sure what bruce would pick. My vehicle would be "rudolph red" and if they didn't make it in that color...I would splurge and have it painted!! We would always keep a third car...for people to borrow in tough situations.
Our house would have a big yard where Mercy could roam and run and jump and play...we would adopt 3 puppies from a kill shelter for her to love and have fellowship with. Caroline would have a room of her own in the house whose walls would be lined with BIG fishtanks for her to watch and many perches for her to lounge upon.
We would take a vacation..........to fiji. We would go on a one way ticket, and come back when we were ready...our housekeeper would care for the house and the animals.
Bruce would purchase a restaurant, and I a thoroughbred race horse. Neither one of us would work hands on in these ventures we would simply own and co-manage. My race horse's name would be..."He Is So Old Mutual!"
We would give tons of money to Voice of The Martyrs, New Life Ministries, Missions to Viet Nam Crisis Pregancy Centers all across the country and World Vision.
We would buy gold bars.... Prepay our grandchildren's college education..
Well...........as you might have guessed...I did not win 27 MILLION but what I did win was perspective..........
I wake up every morning with a man I adore....I am physically well...........my bills are current...............my home is a safe haven, we have a great relationship with our kids...and would even choose them as friends! We have amazing friends who love both us and our Lord....my animals are happy and my eternity is secure...I am loved and affirmed by my Savior...and thus I have been blessed AT LEAST 27 million times!!!