It has been so long since I have posted, I wasn't sure that I remembered how!
The last few months have scurried by. In March I had a job change. The new position is a great fit for me and so far I am loving every minute of every day. It did mean however that my hours have changed. Where I used to work the overnight shift 4 nights a week, I now have taken the "swing" shift 5 nights a week. That shift runs from 2-10pm. There are advantages and disadvantages to both schedules. Right now I am still reveling in the fact that for the first time in 4 years I get to cuddle up to my husband every night of the week in my own bed!!! Ask me later when the newness wears off how I am adjusting to working 5 shifts instead of 4. Regardless life seems steady.....
In order to do my new job well I had some training. I went to Laguna Beach CA for a couple of days. I was so fortunate to have a room on the beach and got to enjoy the ocean that I have grown to miss so much. I also spent a few days in Phoenix AZ. I met some new friends there and enjoyed the differences in weather. Once I returned home, we had the opportunity to host a fellow New Life colleague who was working in Dallas for a week. That was a rich time of fellowship and laughter. I think we all learned a few things about how to do our jobs well also!
I took a 4 mile walk yesterday and found some bluebonnet patches not far from my house. I think I will take Emma there soon to snap her picture amongst them. She really is a very sweet and loyal friend and I am grateful almost everyday that God has given her to us (NOT grateful on the days she makes bathroom mistakes INSIDE)
Scott and Jacqueline are doing well. Preparing to move in June to a bigger apartment. Operating more independantly daily and being more in love than two people should ever be allowed to be! I am happy that my son has found in Jacqueline a partner that brings him so much happiness. They are still active in their little church and are both advancing steadily in their jobs. We had dinner with them Saturday night before Easter and had a really wonderful time together. We visited well into the evening until Jacqueline was nodding off yet protesting that she wasn't ready yet to go! LOL
I am still eating organic food and getting stronger everyday. Bruce has joined me on this venture and so we are on a mission to eat well for less. My friend Ellen, gave me a subscription to the magazine REAL SIMPLE. We have been trying some of the recipes that have been listed there. A nice variety...try gnocci's some time...a nice variety :)
I have about six inspiring blog ideas rolling around in my head...none of them ready yet to give birth but stay tuned!!
Jesus is my driving force. He is teaching me and showing me lots of things about Himself and His kingdom. He is exposing to me my strengths and my vulnerabilities in a fresh and new way, and for the first time in a long time I am embracing His instruction...and feeling peace amidst the busyness.